Thursday, 16 June 2011


Owl's Nest Books

Definition 1: book (...) 1. A volume made up of written or printed pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers. 2. Any written or printed literary work. 3. A bound volume of blank or ruled pages. 4. Plural. Volumes that are mysterious, filled with wisdom and wonders just waiting to be read. Owl's Nest Books

Definition 2: book store (...) 1. A store where books are sold. 2. Also known as "bookshop". 3. A place where the staff, also known as "booksellers", assist customers with all their reading needs. 4. A wonderful place to (a) spend time browsing and selecting from the many books available for sale or (b) chat with fellow booklovers.

I couldn't agree more!

CSWA and Banff Science Communications

I am honoured to share the CSWA scholarship for the Banff Science Communications 2011 program
with Barry Shell,
whom I had the chance to meet in Calgary at the recently ended CSWA Annual Conference.
Another participant at this summer's Science Communications program will be Jennifer Kaban. If you want to understand why I am so excited about getting to work with her again in Banff, check out her TEDx talk:

Looking forward to an amazing Banff Centre experience! More information about the Banff Centre and their Science Communications Program is available on the Banf Centre website:
With instructors like Mary Anne Moser and Jay Ingram and a wonderful group of people to work with, all having various backgrounds and levels of experience, I have no doubts that it will be a life-changing event and a unique learning experience: