Saturday, 10 September 2011

About kindred spirits, art, science, and lemons

We all know the old saying "When life gives you lemons, you make a lemonade." But what about those moments in life, when life just gives you moussy chocolate cake with strawberries and cream? Do you say NO when you get a full plate? Does it become too much for you to handle after a few giant bites or slices?

When we are on the right path in life, we meet wonders at every street corner, at every turn. The encounter is always magic and unexpected. And yet, unexpectedly easy. The real magic is that we create it. Those things you've been dreaming of - once you know what they are and you have figured out you just cannot live without them, even if you don't yet quite know a-how to get there and b-whether you have what it takes - they almost come to you on their own. By being on the right path, you create circumstances that will get you where you want, that will give you what you need, when you need it, that will move you forward, onto the next one, and the next, and the next. You are ready to face them and embrace them with candor, openness, vulnerability.

The people you meet, the connections you does come down to "kindred spirits are not so rare as I once believed". I have met so many kindred spirits once I stepped out of my comfort zone. And I no longer feel divided and torn apart between Art and Science. For quite a while ago, the A and the S in my life made a mess for each other, constantly nagging at each other, fighting each other, trying to mass-murder each other. Now they balance each other, enrich each other. I have become both Art and Science, because I always was. It just took me a while to figure that out. I am not a left-brainer, nor am I a right-brainer. Why should I have to be one or the other? I don't believe in such artificial dissemination. I have become this wonderful mixture of everything, ready and willing to be shared with the world, in gradual outbursts, patiently, openly, gently, yet unstoppable.

I don't believe in God. I don't believe in being blessed. But all the things that I've lived in the past few months have made been feel so, nonetheless. I strongly believe the only true journey is the inner one. At least for me. And for a few other 'kindred spirits', because the inner journey, although occurring within, always includes other people. Sometimes, it can be somewhat of an emotional roller-coaster. You rise, you fall. You get up. But you never stop. Maybe you learn something from the fall. The rise has novelty to it. Sometimes, you must really loose EVERYthing to find yourSELF - a newly born, yet more experienced and generous self, who has learnt to both let go and to take it all in - before you can gain a thing or two. Life just becomes so much richer.

Allow yourself the change. Embrace it. Sometimes, all you have to do is "let go of you are" (or think you are) "to become who you could be". Which is somewhat of a paradox, really. Because at your core, at your very core, YOU already ARE all the wonderful things that you could be.

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